
Showing posts from 2021

One of my latest poems

RAISE THE RAFTERS We will raise the rafters in praise to thee o God our Lord and Redeemer and forever friend. When we stand in your presence how we will praise your name o Holy one of Israel All praise to you will go. Sing with our hearts and minds with all our soul songs of your faithfulness and songs of your glory. Raise them with force Force of our love That you saved us And overcame all! @cherylbrand


Today we have snow -- lots of snow.  I understand that it is in most places in the state.   I think we have had about 10 inches by now on Sunday February 14... nice love gift huh?  The children probably love going out and playing in it.  But for me its frustrating in that it stops me from going to the store right now.  The snow is too thick on the roads.   Great time to bake a cake.  I made a two layer yellow cake yesterday with raspberry filling.  It turned out really good.  I love having the oven on when the high is 26 degrees for the day.   Here is a website that you might want to take a look at that has the best cakes. I worry about the people that are living in tents at this time of  year, and hope that they have found somewhere to go inside.  Its way too cold to be outside.It is so quiet outside... no traffic... no sounds whatsoever.  Everyone is hunkered down in the house.  Catching up on watching their movies and videos.   .


Not too long ago, I found a relative that I didnt even know about.  Apparantly my dad had a cousin and maybe cousins that I didnt have any idea about. How wonderful!  She is my 2nd cousin -- my dad's first cousin and lives in the state of Oregon.  She moved here to the USA with her husband in 1968.  They first lived in Texas and then moved to Oregon about a year ago.  Now, she was my dad's first cousin related to him by his dad (my grandad) being brother to her dad.   I was elated to find her and we have talked on the phone a few times to learn about each other.  Her name is Barbara and she told me that her dad and my grandad were best friends.  I asked where they grew up and she said on Edgeware Road in London and that they lived in a flat that was above horse stables.  How interesting!!   So we found each other and corresponded through phone calls, but I found her son on facebook and he and I share some things across our pages and he sends pix of recipes that he and his mum h