
Showing posts from June, 2018


SUMMER IS NIGH When the sun breathes through the mist of the morning and the moon takes a step back from the horizon and the leaves poke out from the cold black sticks of the winter's leavings and the squirrels run up the trees. And the frost of the evening leave the low parts of the garden And the daffodils show up through the hard bleak ground And the tulips lift their blossoming heads And the blue jays flit from bough to bough. Know that summer is nigh Know that summer is nigh and the warmth is blooming Under the brush and the leaves dropped from last season. And the moving of the earth is a stirring And a brand new bud is growing. Know that summer is nigh And there is a breaking of a new story An awaking of a new dawning When the trees shall clap their hands. @cherylbrand


THATCHED ROOF COTTAGE When I was young (about 8 to 10 years old) our Mother took us to visit her Aunt, her Dad's sister May and her husband Uncle Robin.  It was me and my two sisters and Mother that went.  They lived in the country and they had a thatched roof cottage.  Well, we got into trouble for climbing up the ladder that was perched against the house and we decided it would be "high jinks" to pull out the straw from the roof!  Well, we found out that that this is unwritten commandment in England it is "thou shalt not pull straw out from the roof of our house"! So I have a humorous anecdote about thatched roof cottages.  I also am very fascinated about country life in England.  Well, recently I found a book called 'OUR VILLAGES' a nice hardback copy and in leafing through found that it held lovely pictures of old England and its villages some in antiquity.  This is where I found the inspiration to paint this picture of a thatched roof cott


I just came back from walking Candy my dog, that is... after devouring one of my favorite things: Strawberry Crepes -- or as we say in England where I hone from -- pancakes. These pancakes are to die for anytime that it takes your fancy - you don't have to have a special occasion to make them.  This recipe makes about four nice size pancakes and then I put on some sprinkled sugar and top with whipped cream. Don't worry about your diet when you are eating these - they are all natural. My kitchen "sweet moments" recipe is pretty easy . To make for one: 1 cup of flour (not self rising) 1 egg dash salt 1/4 - 1/2 cup of milk (I use whole milk) Take a frying pan - I use the large size, put some oil in the bottom of the pan about 4 tbs per pancake and place on a hot ring on the stove.  Pour enough batter to go around the base of pan lifting and tilting the pan until it covers. Turn and fry pancake on the other side until golden. Fill wi

I scored 96% on the "Can You Name These Biblical Figures?" quiz. How will you do?

I scored 96% on the "Can You Name These Biblical Figures?" quiz. How will you do?