
Showing posts from October, 2020

My Latest Painting

Just trying to learn more about painting roses.  They are definately a challenge for me.  This one is oil on canvas.  But I want to try doing some in acrylic.  I have no experience using acrylic, but I am ready to try it.  Not sure what medium to use is best, wether canvas or paper or what.  Ive been watching you tube videos on my phone of someone that paints amazing antique roses and trying hard to learn the techniques. If I was a gardener I would have a front yard full of roses.  I just love them all colors, all shapes and sizes.  They are such a beautiful flower.  Someone said the Earth laughs in Flowers.  I believe it !


Its Autumn or "Fall" as it is often referred to.  The leaves are falling and the "helicopters" (my sister calls them) from off of the trees and making for a very asthetic look to the the landscape.  It's a photographer's or artist's delight to have all this beautiful orange- rusty- brown colors and bright yellows and reds to look at.   The drop in temperature has been a little difficult though as it was 100 degrees plus just a few days ago and now i ts down to 60s and 40s and night.  I got chilled taking a nap on the couch a few days ago and started to feel a little under the weather.  But all is normalized now and I am back to my old self.  I am now recovering from a root canal procedure and taking anti biotics for five days just to be on the safe side.  I hear there are fires in Colorado right now.  I hope everyone is safe and that they put them out soon. So did everyone watch the town halls the other night?  I watched the Biden one, well half way anyw