It is definitely a lot of snow right now on February 20,2019.  Actually it is clearing out some, but for all intents and purposes it is snowing right now as I speak.  Of course it is suppose to be just a sprinkling compared to the 12 to 18 inches we have already that has accumulated on the ground and made for quite a mess here in south western Washington State.

I was not even able to walk down my driveway or front yard for several days last week.  I would have slipped and fallen for sure.  So a couple of my neighbors offered to go to the store for me - which was a life saver indeed.  Then my neighbor cleared my driveway out so that I could at least get out when I was finally able to.

The storm is travelling across the country now and it is going to end up in the New England states.  I hope they don't have as much snow as we did.  Our temperatures are hovering in the high 20s and sometimes our high for the day is freezing.  But I talked to someone on the phone yesterday from Minnesota I think that said they had 7 degrees at the time, so I realized I should be grateful.

They say there is always someone worse off.

I wrote an article flash fiction I think it would be called in the writing world.  It is called


Julia glanced at her suitcase packed and ready at the front door and realized that it would for ever be a symbol to her of leaving her family home that she had lived in with her mother and siblings for nineteen years.

It was raining sideways and a dark grey day which matched her mood completely, but was not pleasant to walk in.  This was the day that she would try to find a place to live and perhaps start a new life.  As she came upon town, where the bakery shop was, she stopped at the first store that she came to:  which happened to be a clothes boutique. 

She saw beautiful clothes in it that she could never afford, but that didn't stop her from going in.  She walked in demurely and heard a bell behind her that was fixed to the door by a bronze hanger.  It rang a very happy little chime which seemed to mock her current disposition. 

She reached up her long slender arms to close the door behind her with her only free hand awkwardly.  Pulling her suitcase in behind her, she asked the shopkeeper standing behind the counter if she knew anywhere that that she could rent an apartment .   "Come on in and I will make you a cup of tea"  the shopkeeper said.

Over a hot cup of tea served in fragile china tea cups and saucers, etched with tiny red tea roses-Julia told her story of having to move out of her family home. 

This lady of about thirty-two years old said "I have a loft to rent, it will be 4 pounds a week, can you spend that much on rent?".  It was a loft in the top third of a at least a hundred-year old house.  The loft was at the top of the building more like an attic, the lady's  apartment was in the next third down, and then the bottom was the dress boutique.

Julia would be able to afford the rent due to that she had just started a second job working at the hotel across the road from this house.  Julia said  "When can I move in?"   The shopkeeper answered "as soon as you want".  Julia put her suitcase down carefully as if to not damage the floor with the weight of it .  Then the shopkeeper and Julia went back down to the sitting-room and finished their tea.   

All Julia had to do now was unpack her suitcase and try to make this place home.



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