PURIM - Esther and Ahasurus

I wrote this article a few years ago at Purim. I am putting it up her on my blog because Purim just passed last month in 2018 in March. Its a fascinating story to me about Esther and Ashasurus in the book of Esther in the bible. Leave me any comments you may have I would be interested to read what you have to say about this article.

The Book of Esther The book of Esther is a book about love. God's love for His people. Esther is a type of the church which God enjoins himself to in Holy matrimony. She is His first love and only love, and He gives His life for her. He loves her and says that she has 'doves eyes', and calls her away into His garden to be with him for ever and for ever. It is a love story: the greatest love story ever written. Esther is also a mirror of the gentile nation even though she was Jewish – a mirror for the reason in that we share an equal part with the Jewish people at the time when they were rejected and we had not yet been accepted.

This part which she took was a part which became a royal priesthood, a holy nation. She is one that was not called by name but that became one of His chosen ones. She is a priest for the people that she represented and took upon herself a perfect and holy mission to save her people from Haaman the one that wanted to have all her people killed. Priesthood is her vocation – her calling, and in doing so she put herself on the same plane as her husband to be: as He is called the High Priest. In taking a priest's mission she came into her own profession as priest.

She is one that is a virgin, clean and considered worthy to go into the Holy of Holies without recrimination and without travesty as she is clean of hands and clean of heart. She is truly a viable, and equal candidate to be the bride of Christ. The bride must be equal to her King to be the appointed Bride of all Brides of all time and be a part of His kingdom. Esther was not a supplanter, but she was planted by her King to be the rightful inheritor of the royal estate of the King as she was the one that was chosen when the first became cold and indifferent to the heir and kingdom inheritance and became the one to replace her (that being Vashti) - the one that was “turned out” of the kingdom.

The humility of Esther is beyond human comprehension, she didn't clamor for attention or for the riches of the King's house which was outfitted with silver rings and gold and black blue and white marble, and of fine linen twisted into cords to tie the green, white and blue curtains of the windows of the palace, but rather she was not at peace nor was she contented until she knew that her people were safe from a decree that would put them all to death. These were the riches that she sought, riches of another kind. She became (through no plan of her own) a savior to her people that would bring them redemption from the deathly oath written by a king.

She didn't know that her people had an archenemy that was personified by Haaman, and she didn't know how to conquer the enemy's plan, but she had the wisdom to take direction from one that was older and wiser than her, and then to submit all into the hands of the one who created her and take her orders from there. Because of obedience and Holy Spirit guidance and direction she was the heroine of the day and saved many. Let the one that will take a lowly position not be surprised if he is elevated by the Lord, for it is he that is humble before that Lord that will be exalted.



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