I thought it was time to upgrade since I had had this one for ten years, and found out that it would not "talk" to my computer! I was well used to this one... knew where all the buttons were without looking or asking anyone.
And then--boom--my usual Internet connection was not available and that's when I found out that my ancient (ten years old) cell phone would not be nice to my computer and talk to it. So off to the cell phone retail store I went to talk about a new phone that WOULD talk to my laptop and be friendly.
It turns out that the phone that I was getting was not in the store and so had to be ordered, but before you leave the store you have to pay a fee to cover something or other to go with the order. Not sure what.
Anyway, I paid it -- told that my phone was on order because they didn't have one in the store, and that it would come in 2 or 3 days by UPS. I waited by the front door most of those days forthcoming looking eagerly for the UPS man. Didn't dare take a shower or go out, except for essentials, until I was sure that the UPS driver was off duty for the day.
Well, no UPS van -- and at least 3 days had passed. So back to the retail store. I found out that my phone was back ordered and not to expect it for about a month. After holding my head in my hands, because I had had to go to McDonalds to hook up to wifi to check emails and stuff, the lady could see that I was "done". So she canceled my previous order, found me a phone that was in stock, and at a price level I wanted and that would definitely talk to my laptop if I took the appropriate steps to make that happen.
All this not easy for a baby boomer from a time when tv was not in color. Whew!
So now I just have to learn a new phone and hope that it is user friendly -- for now I just want it to ring so that I can hear the new ringer sound to see if I like it.
Anyone else -- or does this happen to just me?
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